CLIENT: Comcast
PROJECT: Various e-learning and Training Courses

The Challenge:
When I worked at Sublime Media, various Comcast divisions came to us to create custom, internal e-learning courses for their employees. Our goal was to educate and train, but also to bring a sense of fun and engagement to the trainings.

My Role:
In collaborated with instructional designers, developers, and the client, I was responsible for the visual design of the courses. Concepting, UI/UX, comping courses and creating storyboards for video were my primary duties.

The Solution:
At Sublime we prided ourselves in not just distilling Comcast’s content to something that was digestible in a training setting, but also wanted to give the learner an interactive experience that was full of intrigue and delight.

Comcast Skill Forward Training

The Comcast Ulearn team came to us at Sublime to do a series of courses focused on work place skills. The courses touched on subjects such as communication, decision making, feedback, adaptability and more. The training aimed at polishing Comcast employee’s and leader’s ability to work with their teams, co-workers and employees.

NOTE: Place holder text had to be used in these examples due to confidentiality.


Our solution aligned with the Ulearn brand and had a focus on the human aspect of the workplace. We wanted to make sure we were giving a strong consideration to diversity and inclusion through the representation of employees throughout the course. We implemented heavy interactive elements to keep the learner engaged and to ensure they soaked up all the content.

Comcast Internet Product Know the Basics

Product training was something we did often at Sublime Media and our clients frequently returned to us to create robust e-learning experiences for their employees. The Xfinity team at Comcast was launching a lot of new products and features around internet and needed a course to educate their employees to ensure they were ready to work with new and existing customers.

NOTE: Place holder text had to be used in these examples due to confidentiality.


We felt the best way to train the employees was to create real world scenarios that presented questions, issues, troubleshooting, and anything else that could potentially come up when interacting with a customer. We presented this with three different scenarios that were presented in an interactive video. Each scenario would introduce the household and follow them along on their journey of their internet needs and pitfalls. The video had interactive moments of key information to digest as it related to the stories as well as knowledge checks along the way.

Comcast Sales Skills Arcade

The sales team at Comcast needed a simple and fun experience to educate their employees on some high level skills needed when working with customers. They wanted something that seemed less like a course and brought in an element of competitiveness to it.


Gamifying the content seemed like a perfect fit for this project. In trying to keep it simple and light, we used an old school video game aesthetic with an arcade game interface. We also wanted this to have a snackable, light lift feel to it, so we designed it purely for mobile to give it that almost effortless feel of playing candy crush on the bus..


Xbox Emails


Amazon e-learning and Training