CLIENT: Amazon
PROJECT: Various e-learning and Training Courses
The Challenge:
When I worked at Sublime Media, various Amazon divisions came to us to create custom, internal e-learning courses for their employees. Our goal was to educate and train, but also to bring a sense of fun and engagement to the trainings.
My Role:
In collaborated with instructional designers, developers, and the client, I was responsible for the visual design of the courses. Concepting, UI/UX, comping courses and creating storyboards for video were my primary duties.
The Solution:
At Sublime we prided ourselves in not just distilling Amazon’s content to something that was digestible in a training setting, but also wanted to give the learner an interactive experience that was full of intrigue and delight.
Amazon Alarm Minimization
Amazon’s ACS team came to us to create an immersive training on Alarm Minimization. This course was to educate employees on reducing the amount of unnecessary alarms going off in Amazon offices. The client was aiming towards a younger audience.
NOTE: Place holder text had to be used in these examples due to confidentiality.
Our solution was creating a group of robot characters to walk the learners through the training. We wanted to stay within Amazon’s brand while also branching out with the content to something fun and memorable. The course was developed in the Sublime custom, responsive framework. We used digestible blocks of content, illustration, iconography, and heavy interactivity to keep the learners interest throughout the course.
Amazon Travel Risk Awareness Training 2021
Amazon’s Travel Risk Management Team came to us to create an immersive training for all Amazon employees that covered the in’s and out’s of everything for business travel as an Amazon employee. It covered subjects such as preparing for travel, emergencies, services, and high-risk locations. The subject matter was at some times a little scary, but always essential. The client really wanted to make sure the learners were going to digest all of the content as the employees safety may depend upon it in certain circumstances.
NOTE: Place holder text had to be used in these examples due to confidentiality.
We wanted to create a compelling and interactive experience while making sure that it still tied in with the travel subject matter. Our solution was a familiar visual experience to those traveling on planes. We took the visual style of the safety cards introduced by the flight attendees on commercial airplanes. We also loved the fact that this style also tied into safety as that was just as much a part of the course as travel was. The course was developed in the Articulate 360 Storyline platform as the client wanted their employees to take the course fully engaged on a desktop computer in the workplace.
Amazon Travel Risk Awareness Training 2022
After the success of the first Travel Risk Awareness Training we worked on at Sublime, Amazon’s Travel Risk Management Team came back to us to do a concept refresh. We went back to the drawing board to come up with an experience that achieved what we had done the previous year, but with a new skin and story.
This time around we wanted to do something that felt more personal and had more of a human touch to it. We created a learning experience that took the user through 4 different travel journals. Each being created from the perspective of 4 different travelers. The individual journals focused on specific subjects so there was a natural break in content in the course. Through handwriting, drawings, post-its, business cards, polaroids and other loose items we told a robust interactive story of the client’s content in a very personal and relatable way. .
Amazon New Hire Prototype Security
Amazon’s Corporate Security team needed a course to train new employees on prototype security. The course would help navigate the prototype security guidelines.
NOTE: Place holder text had to be used in these examples due to confidentiality.
The content was fairly lean so we wanted to make sure we added enough intrigue and fun to the course to keep it all digestible and memorable. We created a tablet character called “Widget” to walk our learners through the guidelines. As Widget showed up throughout the course they introduced the user to interactive elements to reveal information in a fun way making sure to hit on the key takeaways. This course was also developed in the Sublime custom, responsive framework.